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10 Tips to Help Declutter Your Home and Create a More Relaxing Space

Decluttering your home isn’t just about creating a tidy environment—it’s about making space for the things that truly matter. Whether you want to free up physical space, reduce stress, or simply enjoy a more organized home, these 10 practical tips will help you tackle clutter and maintain a more peaceful, streamlined living space.

Start Small

Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to declutter your entire home in one day. Focus on one room, one drawer, or even one shelf at a time. By breaking the process into manageable steps, you’ll be more likely to stick with it.

Pro Tip: Start with something simple, like your bathroom countertop or a kitchen drawer. Seeing quick results will motivate you to keep going.

Use the “Four Box Method”

Grab four boxes or bins and label them: “Keep,” “Donate,” “Toss,” and “Relocate.” As you go through each area of your home, place items into the appropriate box. This method keeps you organized and helps you make clear decisions about what to do with each item.

Declutter by Category

Instead of decluttering by room, try focusing on one category at a time. For example, tackle all your books, then move on to clothes, then kitchen gadgets. This makes it easier to evaluate how much of each type of item you actually have.

Pro Tip: Start with categories that are easier to part with, like old papers or unused kitchen tools, to build decluttering momentum.

Follow the One-Year Rule

If you haven’t used or worn something in over a year, it’s time to let it go. Exceptions can be made for sentimental items or seasonal gear, but most things you haven’t touched in a year likely aren’t serving you anymore.

Pro Tip: Turn your hangers backward in your closet at the start of the year. As you wear clothes, turn the hangers the right way. By the end of the year, you’ll clearly see which clothes you never wore.

Adopt a “One In, One Out” Policy

To prevent future clutter from piling up, adopt the habit of removing one item for every new one you bring in. Bought a new sweater? Donate or toss an old one. This rule keeps your space balanced and ensures you’re only holding onto items you really need.

Digitize Paperwork

Piles of paperwork can quickly overtake a home. Scan important documents and store them digitally. Not only does this save space, but it also helps you stay more organized by having easy access to everything on your computer.

Pro Tip: Set aside 10 minutes a week to go through mail and paperwork. It’ll prevent the paper pile from becoming overwhelming.

Get Rid of Duplicate Items

You likely don’t need three spatulas, five water bottles, or two can openers. Go through your home and donate or recycle any duplicate items that are taking up unnecessary space.

Declutter Sentimental Items with Care

Sentimental items are often the hardest to part with. Instead of holding onto every single memory item, choose the ones that truly mean the most to you. Consider taking photos of items before letting them go so you can preserve the memory without the physical clutter.

Pro Tip: Create a designated memory box where you keep a limited number of sentimental items. This helps control the volume of things while still preserving meaningful memories.

Use Storage Solutions Wisely

Organizing doesn’t mean buying more storage bins to hide clutter. Instead, use storage to keep only the essentials. Opt for clear, labeled bins for seasonal items or things you need to keep out of sight. Avoid shoving items into closets or drawers just to “get rid of them” temporarily.

Set a Decluttering Schedule

Decluttering is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. Set aside time each month to declutter small areas, like your desk or a kitchen cabinet, so things stay under control. This regular maintenance will prevent clutter from building up again.

Decluttering your home can seem overwhelming, but by taking it step by step and following these tips, you’ll find the process more manageable—and even enjoyable. A decluttered home leads to a clearer mind and a more relaxed living space, where you can focus on what matters most.

Start small, stay consistent, and remember that every little bit of progress counts!

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